Using AI to Improve Your Website’s Search Rankings

SEOAI enhancing website search rankings

We have left behind the Information Age, and entered into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Age. Indeed, over the coming years a staggering number of processes and workflows are going to be enhanced — and in some cases re-invented — through AI technologies, including machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP). And here on the digital marketing landscape, we are already seeing AI have a game-changing impact on various tactics and strategies on SEO. Below, we highlight 6 ways that you can use AI to improve your website’s search rankings.

6 Ways AI Can Improve SEO

1. Discovering Keyword Opportunities

Winning the SEO game is not only about reaching page 1 — and ideally the top few spots — in the results page. On a more fundamental level, it is about ranking high for the RIGHT keywords (i.e., search terms). These are words, phrases, and questions that are relevant to both your customers and your business.

It is also important — and for many smaller businesses with limited budgets, it is necessary — to identify keywords that are not very popular among competitors. Why? Simply because generally speaking, the more sought-after a keyword is, the more time, effort, and money it takes to rank high.

For example, a keyword like “online business degree program” is extremely competitive, and it would take several months and thousands of dollars for a new company starting from scratch to reach the top of the search engine rankings (and even then, it may be impossible to make a dent in the top 3 or 5 organic rankings because competitors have built such a stronghold).

Conversely, a keyword like “Bradenton business degree program” has far fewer competitors, and so a company that wanted to rank high in this case would have, relatively speaking, an easier time. Of course, it would still take time, effort, and money (it always does!). But it would be much simpler, faster, and cheaper than targeting a keyword like “online business degree program.”

These days, AI is playing a growing role in helping companies identify the keywords they should be targeting, as well as finding valuable link-building opportunities. Your business can use this business intelligence to design and refine your overall content and SEO strategy.

2.  Creating Content

While many, many things have changed on the digital landscape in the last few years, one thing has remained the same and is unlikely to change anytime soon: the critical importance and value of great content. Consider these statistics:

  • Content generates 300% more leads than conventional outbound marketing, yet costs 62% less. (Source: DemandMetric)
  • Businesses that regularly publish good blog content enjoy 126% more lead growth than businesses that don’t. (Source: HubSpot)
  • Content the most effective and affordable SEO technique. (Source: TechClient)
  • 61% of customers say they are influenced by content. (Source: Dragon Search Marketing)
  • Conversion rates are nearly 600% higher for businesses that publish content vs. businesses that don’t. (Source: Aberdeen)

AI can play a pivotal and profitable role in your SEO content strategy by helping you identify:

  • Content gaps that your competitors are overlooking, but that you can fill.
  • Trending topics and themes, so that you can aim your editorial calendar accordingly.
  • The ideal length and structure for different types of content (e.g., blog posts, feature articles, guides, etc.).

3. Optimizing Content

It does not matter how much time, effort, and money you pour into your SEO strategy if, once customers reach your website (or any other digital property such as a landing page), they are confused or irritated by what they encounter. Great content is the “glue” that makes the relationship between businesses and customers sticky.

AI can help your business turn ordinary content into great content by:

  • Identifying topic clusters that answer customer questions.
  • Helping you effectively use keywords and latent semantic indexing.
  • Helping you optimize content quality to meet Google’s E-E-A-T standard (which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness).
  • Improve the overall readability, cohesiveness, and correctness of your content.

4. Optimizing for Voice Search

Forecasts suggest that by 2024, the number of digital voice assistants in use around the world will hit a whopping 8.4 billion units — which is more than the entire global population!

AI can help your business identify how your customers are using voice search to find answers, products, services, and solutions. What’s more, AI-driven technologies like NLP can guide you to create more conversational content.

5. Scaling Your SEO Strategy

While there are tools that make the job much easier and faster these days, the fact remains that a big part of the SEO puzzle is handling manual processes. Not only are these tedious and time consuming, but they can be vulnerable to human error. It can also make scaling SEO efforts very — and for some smaller businesses prohibitively — costly. Thankfully, AI has assumed a great deal of the SEO burden by:

  • Conducting website analysis and audits.
  • Automatically optimizing content.
  • Identifying and repairing duplicate content issues.
  • Analyzing top performing content, which can be used to create relevant and focused content strategies and briefs.

6. Enhancing User Experience

Last but certainly not least, all SEO is ultimately about enhancing user (i.e., customer) experience. A practical way that AI is helping in this area, is mimicking search engines like Google and providing recommendations on how businesses can improve their overall website user experience.

Think of it like engineers taking vehicle prototypes out for a spin, in order to get a direct understanding of what is happening behind the wheel and underneath the hood. AI can help your business explore and experiment, so that you can ultimately make better, faster decisions regarding your overall SEO vision and strategy.

Learn More

While it may seem like science fiction, make no mistake: AI has arrived! Contact Noble Webworks today and learn more about AI to improve your website’s search rankings. Your consultation with us is free, and there is no risk or obligation.


Question: Using AI to Improve Your Website’s Search Rankings

Answer: AI tools enhance website search rankings by automating tasks like keyword research, content creation, and on-page optimization. They analyze data to identify trends, generate high-quality content, and optimize meta tags and schema markup, improving overall SEO strategy.

Question: What is AI, and how does it relate to SEO?

Answer: AI, or Artificial Intelligence, involves machines performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. In SEO, AI analyzes data to identify patterns, optimize content, and improve search engine rankings through automated processes and insights.

Question: How can AI tools enhance keyword research?

Answer: AI tools enhance keyword research by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify high-performing keywords and search trends. They help in discovering long-tail keywords and user intent, ensuring your content targets the right audience effectively.

Question: Can AI improve content creation for SEO?

Answer: AI improves content creation by generating high-quality, SEO-optimized content. Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Jasper and Frase create engaging articles, blog posts, and meta descriptions, ensuring content is relevant, keyword-rich, and tailored to user queries.

Question: How does AI help with on-page SEO optimization?

Answer: AI assists with on-page SEO optimization by automating tasks such as meta tag creation, internal linking, and content structuring. It ensures content is well-organized, relevant, and optimized for search engines, improving website visibility and user experience.

Question: What role does AI play in technical SEO?

Answer: AI plays a significant role in technical SEO by analyzing website performance, identifying issues, and suggesting improvements. It helps optimize site speed, mobile-friendliness, and schema markup, ensuring the website meets search engine requirements.

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